⭐InstaScrape Soft PRO 2024 | Only Active Users SPEED: 100k users - 10 minutes


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-Free updates 2 times a month!

-Software In English / Russian /China

-Free Training video manual

  • Subscribers - Subscriptions
  • GEO: Country / City
  • Targeted Hashtags
  • Active Target Followers
  • Scrape of likes and comments
  • By keywords words
  • By gender
  • From mentions:
  • Post accounts
  • Posts 
  • Tags


Avatar | Bio | Type

By number of followers | following

Date of last publication |Number of posts

Stop words | Allowed

Business Accounts |Verified accounts

Closed |Open account

Number of active stories 

Number of pinned 

By category 

Male Female accounts

Availability of Story

Eternal stories

Number of posts

Last post uploaded

Quantity Subscriber/Subscriber

⭐Scrape rate: 100k-10 minutes

⭐Filtering rate: 50k-10 minutes

350.00 $ (Quantity 2)